Experience the endless benefits of IV hydration therapy in the comfort of your own home.
ProFusion Aesthetics offers concierge IV services for the rapid relief, often within the hour. Trained professional right to your home, office, or hotel. After a brief health assessment, our providers are able to infuse one of our Signature Profusions directly in to your vein. Our infusions can provide near-immediate relief of common symptoms related to dehydration and nutrient deficiencies.
Signature ProFusions
Everyone knows you’re not drinking enough water. Just what you need, nothing you don't.
This is a party right? Hit the reset button after a long night out, combat hangover-related symptoms and rally forward. (Ondansetron, B-Complex, Minerals)
Comprised of essential multivitamins and other nutrients, this cocktail premix is designed to help alleviate chronic symptoms, including ongoing pain, asthma and more. (Magnesium, B-Complex, B12, Calcium, and C Vitamins)
Don't let your monthly visitor related symptoms keep you from living your best life. (Calcium, B12, Magnesium, and Vita Complex)
Burn fat, feel energized, and boost your metabolism. (B-Complex and Amino Blend)
ProFusion Aesthetics LLC makes no claim to cure, prevent, or otherwise treat any illness, disease, or previously diagnosed medical conditions. All treatments provided by ProFusion Aesthetics are performed by license medical professionals under the approval and direction of a medical doctor. ProFusion Aesthetics is not a substitute for the need of emergency medical services. ProFusion Aesthetics reserves the right to deny any or all services in the event that an escalation of medical care is needed.